Trump floats possible support for 15-week abortion ban

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Donald Trump floated possible support for a 15-week limit on abortion in a Fox News interview on Thursday night, though the former president’s campaign wouldn’t elaborate on his plans.

Trump, who is coasting to the GOP presidential nomination, has been consistently cautious about advocating for any specific abortion policy during his campaign. But during an interview on Fox at the Southern border, he said he’s heard a lot about a post-15-week ban.

“More and more, I’m hearing 15 weeks and I haven’t decided yet. Also we got it back to the states where it belongs,” Trump told Fox’s Sean Hannity.

“Largely they’re coming in with a certain number of weeks, and the number 15 is mentioned,” Trump said. “I haven’t agreed to any number. I’m going to see. We want to take an issue that was very polarizing and get it settled and solved so everybody could be happy.”

Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade in 2022, Trump has taken credit for the Supreme Court’s decision, which was seen as a victory for anti-abortion rights conservatives, while also blaming the issue for Republican losses in the midterm elections that fall.

A spokesperson for Trump’s campaign did not respond to a request for comment about Trump’s position on a 15-week limit on abortion access, instead highlighting his “unmatched pro-life record” and saying Trump “has always advised fellow Republicans that they must learn to talk about this critical issue the right way and remind voters that it is Democrats who are the extreme ones on abortion, not Republicans.”

Trump also criticized the Alabama Supreme Court’s decision against in vitro-fertilization procedures in the state as “harsh.” He said he’s “totally in favor” of IVF.

Democrats over-performed expectations in the midterm elections, largely campaigning on broadening abortion access after the fall of Roe, and multiple statewide referendums on abortion have won assured access, including in conservative and swing states.

“A lot of states are taking very strong stances,” Trump said. “You look at Kansas, Ohio, and it’s going to be the law within the state. And they have gone much different than a lot of people thought.”.

President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign is focusing heavily on abortion access, already running advertising promoting Biden’s support for the medical procedure.

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    Trump floats possible support for 15-week abortion ban

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